3 Questions That Will Help You Define Your Leadership Brand
Is it easy for you to answer the question, “What’s your leadership brand?” If it’s fuzzy for you, you’re not alone. Being able to clearly articulate who you are as a leader can help you inspire and influence others. We believe three factors help you identify your unique value proposition: 1. What are you good […]
3 Reasons We Make Bad Decisions (and How to Fix them)
Did you know that the average person makes around 2,000 decisions every hour? With so many decisions to make, it’s inevitable that we’re going to make bad ones from time to time. While it’s nearly impossible to eliminate poor choices altogether, bringing awareness to some of the most common reasons why you make them can […]
What Really Holds Women Back: The ‘Broken Rung’
Given all of the buzz around gender inequality in the workplace, you’d think we’d finally be making some real progress. But despite the non-stop media coverage, it’s estimated that at our current rate of change, it will take until the year 2085 for women to reach parity with men in leadership roles in the United […]