Is Work-Life Balance Attainable for Women Leaders?
At HNS, we often hear frustration with too-heavy workloads, overwhelming home obligations and no time for self-care. We regularly speak to women who are on the verge of burnout, pushing themselves relentlessly in all areas and not feeling successful at anything…
The Mindful Leader’s Toolkit: 10 Practices and Techniques for Women in Leadership
Learn 10 simple techniques and practices that you can incorporate into your leadership journey to cultivate mindfulness, enhance self-awareness, and lead with authenticity, compassion, and effectiveness.
Mindfulness for Leaders:
What it is, Why it Matters and How You Can Start Practicing Today
When we think of mindfulness, we don’t always associate it with the workplace. For some, mindfulness may seem a bit too “touchy-feely” for the corporate environment. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth, as numerous studies have shown that being a mindful leader has many benefits…
Burnout: What Companies and Individuals Can Do About It
While burnout has been a problem for a long time, the Covid-19 pandemic is shining a spotlight on this issue
6 Tips For Maintaining Work-Life Balance During COVID-19
Stressed out? You’re not alone. 70 percent of workers say that COVID-19 is the most stressful period of their career, topping major historical events like 9/11 and the Great Recession. What started out as a temporary excuse to sleep in an extra hour, wear pajamas all day and spend extra quality time with family has […]
3 Tips For Coping With Feeling Overwhelmed for Women Leaders
Today we’re sharing three tips for coping with feeling overwhelmed as a woman leader. At Her New Standard we focus on advancing women in the workplace. We get the extreme pleasure of working with really talented, successful, ambitious women and oh boy – in the last few weeks, we keep getting asked this question: “How […]
The Secret to Getting Ahead is… Slowing Down?
Do you ever feel like you have too much to do and no time to do it? In today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected workplace, this is a struggle that most of us know all too well. The high pressures of a demanding work environment force you to run on autopilot, simply going through the motions and achieving […]