4 Powerful Strategies for Developing Executive Presence for Women

As a leader, having a strong executive presence helps you command attention, influence others, and increases others’ confidence in your ability to lead effectively. Keep reading to learn 4 powerful strategies to enhance your executive presence today.
Unleashing Potential: The Transformative Power of Sponsorship and Mentorship in Driving Organizational Success
Ready to dive into the world of sponsorship and mentorship? Let’s demystify the distinctions between these two powerhouses and discover how they can work their magic in your organization.
7 Tips for Men to Support Gender Equity in the Workplace
We were thrilled to have W. Brad Johnson, PhD and David G. Smith, PhD from Workplace Allies join our HNS Women’s Leadership Development Roundtable to share their insights on Men as Allies: Best Practices for Powerful Gender Partnerships.
9 Tips for Retaining Women Leaders: HNS Women’s Leadership Development Roundtable
McKinsey’s 2022 Women in the Workplace report shows that women leaders in the US are switching jobs at the highest rates they’ve seen over the past five years. Why is this and what can be done to stop it? …
Why Manager Involvement is Critical to Women’s Leadership Development
We know that making individual behavior and mindset shifts can accelerate women’s success in the workplace, but making
How To Choose a Women’s Leadership Development Program
Though leadership development is a top priority for many businesses and receives more funding than any other type of corporate training, a shocking 71 percent of organizations believe that their leaders are not ready to lead the organization into the future. Why is it that after investing large amounts of money in leadership training, many […]