How to Lead With Resilience During the Coronavirus Pandemic


Emotional cultures of workplaces affect how much we enjoy our jobs, how stressed we feel and our ability to do our work well and on time. As a woman leader, your presence will have a ripple effect throughout your organization that plays a critical role in shaping this culture. Your presence now, during limited interactions […]

3 Tips For Coping With Feeling Overwhelmed for Women Leaders

Today we’re sharing three tips for coping with feeling overwhelmed as a woman leader. At Her New Standard we focus on advancing women in the workplace. We get the extreme pleasure of working with really talented, successful, ambitious women and oh boy – in the last few weeks, we keep getting asked this question: “How […]

How to Practice Resilience as a Woman Leader

How to Practice Resilience for Women Leaders

Resilience, or the ability to experience stress and maintain equilibrium and to recover quickly from difficulties, is an essential quality that high-performing women leaders must cultivate to advance and thrive in today’s fast-paced workplace. It sets you apart as someone to trust during turbulent times.⁣ ⁣ It allows you to embrace change and quickly adapt.⁣ […]

3 Tips to Manage Stress During COVID-19 for Women Leaders

These are scary times. So what can we do to manage the uncertainty? First of all, just BREATHE. It sounds so simple, but when we’re stressed out we tend to take shallow, quick breaths. Taking the time for 5 deep breaths will calm our central nervous system down and allow us to think more clearly […]

How to Bounce Back from Burnout

Woman overwhelmed at work sitting at desk

Burnout is a state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion resulting from chronic workplace stress that hasn’t been successfully managed. Symptoms of burnout include: Feelings of cynicism, apathy or detachment from work. Impaired concentration; lack of creativity + productivity. Increased levels of emotional reactivity. Persistently feeling physically and/or emotionally drained. Physical symptoms like stomach aches, […]