6 Steps to Support Women Leaders Through COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has left no life untouched, forcing each of us to reinvent how we live and work. (Did any of us really end 2019 thinking that the hottest accessory of 2020 would be a face mask?) However, while we’re all feeling the effects of this time, it’s becoming increasingly clear that women – […]
Gratitude: The Secret to Leading Effectively Through Crisis
As we near the end of 2020, it’s safe to say that the only predictable thing about this year has been its unpredictability. Each day we wake up with new questions, worries and fears about the coronavirus pandemic and what the future holds for our government, organizations, and families. As a woman leader during this […]
Authentic Leadership: What It Is and Why It Matters Now More Than Ever
With pay cuts and furloughs rampant, work responsibilities increasing and no end to the coronavirus pandemic in sight, stress levels are at an all-time high for many workers. As such, it’s no surprise that over 70% of American professionals report suffering from burnout, citing lack of separation between work and home, unmanageable workloads, and worries […]
How To Choose a Women’s Leadership Development Program
Though leadership development is a top priority for many businesses and receives more funding than any other type of corporate training, a shocking 71 percent of organizations believe that their leaders are not ready to lead the organization into the future. Why is it that after investing large amounts of money in leadership training, many […]
How to Lead With Resilience During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Emotional cultures of workplaces affect how much we enjoy our jobs, how stressed we feel and our ability to do our work well and on time. As a woman leader, your presence will have a ripple effect throughout your organization that plays a critical role in shaping this culture. Your presence now, during limited interactions […]
6 Tips For Maintaining Work-Life Balance During COVID-19
Stressed out? You’re not alone. 70 percent of workers say that COVID-19 is the most stressful period of their career, topping major historical events like 9/11 and the Great Recession. What started out as a temporary excuse to sleep in an extra hour, wear pajamas all day and spend extra quality time with family has […]
5 Tips for Advancing Your Career Through Sponsorship
Did you know that in 2015 there were more CEOs named John than female CEOs in total? Yes, seriously. Fortunately, we’ve seen a slight improvement in the number of women in top leadership positions since then but there’s still a long way to go. We look forward to the day when women will be equally […]
6 Tips For a Successful Sponsorship Program
Women outnumber men at almost every educational level and hold over half of all professional-level jobs, yet they make up only 24% of senior management roles and a mere 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs. Despite all the focus this issue has received in recent years, the pace of change has continued to be agonizingly slow. […]
How to Be an Ally to Women of Color at Work
The recent killing of George Floyd has put racism in America under the microscope and ignited global calls for change, leading many to examine the deep-rooted injustices that exist in our society not only when it comes to police brutality, but in all areas of life including the workplace. As stated by Women of Color […]
3 Tips For Coping With Feeling Overwhelmed for Women Leaders
Today we’re sharing three tips for coping with feeling overwhelmed as a woman leader. At Her New Standard we focus on advancing women in the workplace. We get the extreme pleasure of working with really talented, successful, ambitious women and oh boy – in the last few weeks, we keep getting asked this question: “How […]