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Strategic thinking for women leaders

Developing Your Strategic Edge: From Thinking to Action

In discussions on leadership, the ongoing debate over the interplay between strategic and tactical thinking is critical. Strategic thinking encompasses long-term vision and planning, while tactical thinking prioritizes immediate actions and problem-solving. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between these two approaches…

The Power of Strategic Thinking and 3 Key Steps to Develop It

In the early days of your career, your success was defined by your productivity and proficiency in specific tasks. You may have even been promoted to your first leadership role based on those competencies. However, as you progress in your career, you may find that those very skills that got you here can inadvertently hold you back from moving into senior leadership roles. Why is that?

Woman at desk in office

Shaping the Future: Strategic Thinking Strategies for Leaders

Strategic thinking is the linchpin of effective leadership, offering leaders a powerful tool to navigate challenges, foster innovation, and drive organizational success. It extends beyond routine operations, providing leaders with the ability to anticipate, plan, and execute initiatives aligned with long-term objectives. Keep reading to learn four examples of how leaders can showcase strategic thinking.

Communicating leadership brand

From Reflection to Action: How to Effectively Communicate Your Leadership Brand

A well-defined leadership brand serves as a powerful asset that sets you apart from the crowd. After creating or refreshing your leadership brand, the next step is to amplify it in a manner that resonates with authenticity and impact. Read four clear examples of how you can communicate your leadership brand to a mentor, ally, stakeholder, or peer.

How to Refresh Your Leadership Brand

Revisiting Your Leadership Brand – Is it Time for a Refresh?

At Her New Standard, we believe it’s crucial for women leaders to be intentional about building and communicating a personal leadership brand. Keep reading to learn our top tips to ensure your personal leadership brand remains strong and effective as you kick off the new year.

Redefining Leadership: 4 Strategies for Organizations in 2024

As we step into 2024, the role of leadership is undergoing a transformation, driven by societal shifts, technological advancements, and changing employee expectations. To remain competitive and foster a positive organizational culture, here are four strategies that organizations can employ to redefine what their leaders are known for in 2024.

Examples of giving and receiving effective feedback

Mastering the Art of Feedback: Examples for Effective Communication

Feedback is a cornerstone of personal and professional growth, yet many find it challenging to deliver it, as well as to react non-defensively when receiving it. Learning to navigate this landscape can transform uncomfortable moments into opportunities for development. Let’s explore relevant scenarios of both giving and receiving constructive feedback.

How to give and receive feedback in the workplace

Courageously Giving and Receiving Feedback in the Workplace

Feedback is a critical skill for leaders at every level. In this blog, we break down how to: 1) ask for feedback proactively, 2) receive feedback with an open mind, and 3) give others feedback effectively and constructively. These strategies can transform the feedback process from a potentially uncomfortable interaction to a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Resilient woman leader

The Resilience Code: Decoding the Unique Factors that Fuel Women Leaders

Resilience in women leaders isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. Understanding and decoding the unique factors that contribute to the flexibility and strength of women leaders provides valuable insights, guiding organizations in crafting tailored strategies to fortify resilience through targeted initiatives.




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